Human Session - $90

2 Hour Session performed via Zoom video conferencing or phone.

Each session will begin by identifying what you’d like to shift, change, or become unstuck. As we follow the Resonance Repatterning system we’ll uncover both the conscious and unconscious thoughts that are no longer serving you. Once uncovered the application of an Energizing Option will help to shift your resonance to one that is present, coherent, and in alignment with your true self.

Animal Session - $60

1 Hour Session performed via Zoom video conferencing or phone.

Animals are affected by their early experiences, words spoken, and emotional climate around them. This can manifest as unwanted behaviors or suffering that is resistant to training or behavior modification techniques. Most animals don’t want to intentionally misbehave or suffer emotionally, they just don’t know how to release the issue. Often, animals will have significant shifts after just one session as they are eager to let go of the things that are no longer serving them.

Human & Animal Session - $120

2 Hour Session performed via Zoom video conferencing, phone, or in-person. In these sessions, both the resonance of the human and animal will be included in the session. Animals are incredibly sensitive to the words, thoughts, and feelings around them. Sometimes, the best way to work on an issue is to bring both parties together so that resonance is shifted for everyone.